Negotiation Skills


Course Negotiation Skills - (CMPD-7911-F24)

Portfolio Personal Development

Cost $ 250.00 Per Participant

Prerequisite(s) None

Credits CEU:0.6, CPE:8, PDC:6

Modality Instructor Led Classroom Training



Instructor(s) Paul Naronis

Class Description

Negotiation Skills

Negotiation is an integral part of creating value for the organization. Your success depends on your skills as a negotiator. In this negotiation training program, you will gain insight into the habits of dealmakers as you build your skills. Through a series of group exercises, you will learn how to execute proven tactics, refine your negotiating style, and improve your ability to bargain successfully and ethically in any situation. Along the way, you will gain a new appreciation for how negotiating skills can help you overcome a wide range of challenges— at work and beyond.



• Achieve better results in both formal and informal negotiations

• Build confidence in your bargaining power and abilities

• Improve negotiations by managing your emotions and influencing others

• Build positive, productive relationships with all parties at the table

• Create value and “enlarge the pie” to produce win-win outcomes


Target Audience: Professionals at all levels who want to enhance their negotiation skills and

work more productively with customers, colleagues, partners, vendors, and others. No prior

training in negotiation is required




Day Day Type Date Start Time End Time Break Time Contact Hours Modality Location
1 Full 1/29/2025 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 7 ILT Citywide Training Center