Sexual Harassment Prevention Cycle 7
Course Sexual Harassment Prevention - (CMPD-7965E)
Portfolio New York City-Specific Portfolio, No Cost Learning, Cultural Awareness & Inclusivity
Cost Free
Prerequisite(s) None
Credits CEU:0.1
Modality Online Learning
Class Description
Welcome to the City’s Sexual Harassment Prevention: What To Know About Unlawful and Inappropriate Behaviors in the Workplace eTraining.
This course was created to underscore the City’s prohibition of sexual harassment in its workplaces under the City’s Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy.
After this training, you should be able to:
- Define sexual harassment
- Understand what you can do to prevent and respond to sexual harassment and how you can make a difference at your workplace
- Know how you and your supervisors can make a difference in your workplace
- This course contains audio and requires headphones or a private space with speakers
- Please note that this course will take around 60 - 90 minutes to complete
Note to participants:
This training includes language and scenarios sensitive in nature. To request a private space or other accommodation to complete the training, please contact your agency EEO officer.
If you are experiencing unwelcome sexual attention or advances, or feel sexually harassed, a failure to ask the harasser to stop does not mean that the behavior is welcome or that you are consenting to the behavior. In some cases, if you feel comfortable doing so, you can attempt to ask the harasser to stop. However, you should report the behavior to your employer, specifically, the EEO Officer so they can assist you with addressing your concerns, including those related to safety, and so that they can investigate the complaint.
Additional resources are also available through your agency personnel department and the City's Employee Assistance Program.