Audit Report Writing

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Course Audit Report Writing - (CMPD-7538-S25)

Portfolio Personal Development

Cost $ 250.00 Per Participant

Prerequisite(s) None

Credits CEU:0.6, CPE:8, PDC:6

Modality Instructor Led Classroom Training

Classroom Room 24-7

Address 1 Centre Street, 24th floor south, NY, NY 10007.

Instructor(s) Philip Vassallo

Class Description

Skilled auditors require a method that aligns what they experienced during the review process with what they compose during the writing process. This highly specialized workshop offers a useful toolbox of techniques that you can use when drafting objective workpapers and composing detailed, organized, and articulate audit reports. 



  • Determine factors affecting the validity and reliability of a finding
  • Assess the appropriate level of detail
  • Create a department-specific template to facilitate the writing process
  • Draft work papers based on objective observations
  • Employ formatting devices to improve the visual appeal of a document
  • Develop a clear, concise vocabulary for documenting audit reports


Target Audience: Managerial, technical, or auditing staff who draft work papers and write audit reports on programs or business units for internal and external clients or regulatory agencies. 


Day Day Type Date Start Time End Time Break Time Contact Hours Modality Location
1 Full 5/28/2025 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 7 ILT Citywide Training Center