Developing Dynamic Listening Skills
Course Developing Dynamic Listening Skills - (CMPD-2508-F24)
Portfolio Management & Supervision
Cost $ 250.00 Per Participant
Prerequisite(s) None
Credits CEU:0.6, CPE:8, PDC:6
Modality Instructor Led Classroom Training
Classroom Room 24-9
Address 1 Centre Street, 24th floor south, NY, NY 10007.
Instructor(s) Norma Brecker
Class Description
This workshop will focus on the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to meet the challenges of efficiently listening. Through practical exercises, participants will improve their behaviors in this critical component of the communication process.
- Assess your own listening strengths and weaknesses
- Identify attitudes that interfere with effective listening
- Distinguish between listening to understand and listening to reply
- Separate message content from feelings
- Achieve results through better communication
Target Audience: Professionals seeking to enhance their listening behaviors for improved communication
Day | Day Type | Date | Start Time | End Time | Break Time | Contact Hours | Modality | Location |
1 | Full | 5/5/2025 | 9:00 AM | 5:00 PM | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM | 7 | ILT | Citywide Training Center |