204: Best Practices for M/WBE Networking and Outreach

Course 204: Best Practices for M/WBE Networking and Outreach - (PTI-9050S-F24)

Portfolio New York City-Specific Portfolio, No Cost Learning, Professional Practices

Cost Free

Prerequisite(s) None

Credits CEU:0.15

Modality Live Webinar

Classroom Live Webinar 2

Address Live Webinar


Class Description

This course will review methods and strategies for improved outreach.

• Understand best practices for outreach and networking.

Target Audience: Appropriate for procurement analysts, procurement officers, contract
officers, project managers, and ALL new procurement staff across all purchasing areas


Day Day Type Date Start Time End Time Break Time Contact Hours Modality Location
1 PM 3/13/2025 1:00 PM 2:30 PM 1.5 Live Webinar Citywide Training Center