Data Analytics for Managers
Course Data Analytics for Managers - (CMPD-4311-F24)
Portfolio Management & Supervision
Cost $ 250.00 Per Participant
Prerequisite(s) None
Credits CEU:0.6, CPE:8, PDC:6
Modality Instructor Led Classroom Training
Classroom Room 24-7
Address 1 Centre Street, 24th floor south, NY, NY 10007.
Instructor(s) Elizabeth DiLuzio
Class Description
This course introduces participants to the concept of data-driven decision-making and
management. Participants will learn how to better use data for setting goals and defining
objectives while identifying the proper metrics for those objectives and the elements
of meaningful management dashboards. Participants will also learn to assess the right
analytical tools to manage projects, processes, and analytic staff within their departments.
• Using data to meet departmental and organizational goals
• Understanding what data/information is needed for effective planning and decision
• Benchmarking as it relates to project development
• Visualizing data for informative reports and presentations
• Working to achieve measurable outcomes
• Identify the concerns and opportunities of working with open government data
Target Audience: Managers, Supervisors, and Team Leaders involved in data analysis
Day | Day Type | Date | Start Time | End Time | Break Time | Contact Hours | Modality | Location |
1 | Full | 4/28/2025 | 9:00 AM | 5:00 PM | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM | 7 | ILT | Citywide Training Center |