Leading Under Crisis
Course Leading Under Crisis - (CMPD-8766-S25)
Portfolio Executive Development
Cost Free
Prerequisite(s) None
Credits CEU:0.2, CPE:2.4, PDC:2
Modality Instructor Led Classroom Training
Classroom Room 24-12
Address 1 Centre Street, 24th floor south, NY, NY 10007.
Instructor(s) Commissioner Louis Molina
Class Description
Often, the outcome of a crisis depends greatly on leadership’s ability to adapt and handle a situation. In the "Leading Under Crisis" seminar, participants will explore several real-life scenarios that tested the city’s resilience as it faced intense public scrutiny from both internal and external stakeholders, and the steps leadership took to persevere. The interactive seminar will promote engagement between the participants and the speaker, with live feedback from participants to share their own thoughts on what they would do under the circumstances presented. During the second half of the seminar, participants will learn what steps were actually taken, and explore their respective outcomes.
*Participants in this seminar should be senior managers and above who aspire to lead city agencies in the future.
Day | Day Type | Date | Start Time | End Time | Break Time | Contact Hours | Modality | Location |
1 | Full | 3/25/2025 | 10:00 AM | 12:30 PM | 2.5 | ILT | Citywide Training Center |