Best Value Bids and Proposals

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Course Best Value Bids and Proposals - (PTI-6210M-S25)

Portfolio New York City-Specific Portfolio, No Cost Learning, Professional Practices

Cost Free

Prerequisite(s) None

Credits CEU:0.15

Modality Live Webinar

Classroom Live Webinar 3

Address Live Webinar

Instructor(s) Noah Rose

Class Description

This webinar will cover Best Value Bids and Proposals and how they differ from traditional Competitive Sealed Bids and Competitive Sealed Proposals. Topics will include how to utilize Best Value in Bids and Proposals, the evaluation criteria, and the PASSPort process. 



  • What is a Best Value Bid and Proposal?  
  • When are they required?
  • What are the elements of the Invitation for Bid and Request for Proposal value criteria?  
  • How is a Best Value Bid and Proposal evaluated?  


Target Audience:  This course is part of the Procurement Training Institute curriculum for all Mayoral and agency staff with procurement-related responsibilities in New York City. 


Day Day Type Date Start Time End Time Break Time Contact Hours Modality Location
1 Full 3/27/2025 11:00 AM 12:30 PM 1.5 Live Webinar Citywide Training Center